Join Chabot Canyon Racquet Club


Come & Meet Us

Come meet ~ 295 new tennis friends at Chabot Canyon Racquet Club! New members receive a half-hour introductory session with our Director of Tennis, Steve Squire or our head pro, Wendell Pierce. They will assess your tennis level, learn your preferences and give you a list of potential tennis buddies at your level to contact.

Membership Information

Chabot Canyon Racquet Club is a member-owned nonprofit club. The club offers two kinds of memberships: Voting and Non-Voting. Voting members have a long-term investment in the club and participate in its governance. We encourage Non-Voting members to support our tennis community and convert to Voting membership when you are ready.

Voting Membership Benefits:

     •  May reserve courts five days in advance
     •  Pay less per month in dues
     •  Earn free guest privilege per month
     •  May accumulate up to four guest credits
     •  Have the right to vote at annual meetings of the Board
     •  May participate in the governance of the club
     •  Qualify for election to the Board of Directors, which establishes club policies and procedures

Membership Dues

Monthly Dues Application Fee Initiation Fee
Voting Single $109 $30 $2000 (Installment plan option)
Voting Family $198 $30 $3500 (Installment plan option)
Non-Voting Single $139 $30 $250  (one time fee)

Interested in membership? Come by our clubhouse to meet our staff and view our facilities.